With 2018 in the rearview, it’s a good moment to spend a little time looking back on what you’ve accomplished and how you’ve changed in the last year, and that’s no less true for us at Shoshana Technologies. We welcomed new Rosemark team members, ushered in forward thinking features, hosted thought leaders from across the industry, and helped our customers navigate the ever changing regulations affecting home care. We’d like to share with you some of our favorite blog posts from the year highlighting new features, industry events, and appearances from home care business software experts.

Upcoming Regulation

Is Your Home Care Agency Affected by the Electronic Visit Verification Requirements in the 21st Century CURES Act?

Without a doubt, one of the top stories last year (and perhaps the year before that) was the 21st Century CURES act. This act brings with it sweeping regulations that stretch across much of the the homecare industry, especially pertaining to use of Electronic Visit Verification or EVV. At Shoshana Technologies we are invested in making sure our customers are informed and up to date on regulations such as this, which is why we’ve published a guide on the questions to ask to make sure your agency is ready for the CURES act to come into effect, and to help you find the EVV tools that suit your needs.

New Rosemark Features

Rosemark’s Newest Feature: Care Plans

In 2018 we instituted a feature in the Rosemark System that we and many of our customers were excited for: Full featured care plans. With this tool, we’ve cemented the Rosemark System’s focus on the care of the client by helping you create easy-to-read plans of care that provide your agency with high visibility accountability tools, legal compliance, and a historical record of the care you provide and how it’s changed.

Caregiver Management

Caregiver Management Best Practices and Tips for Your Home Care Agency

We have long been a proponent on putting focus on your agency’s caregivers in order to improve their experience and the experience of your clients. In 2018 we saw time and time again thought leaders across the industry stress this point as a caregiver shortage continues to loom. In this post, we’ve compiled a few quick tips and some of our own resources to help you attract and retain great caregivers.


As Iron Sharpens Iron: Percy and Partners

Finally, as the year came to a close, Shoshana Technologies CEO Linda Teaman took a look back at our experience at the 2018 DecisionHealth Private Duty Conference to reflect on how the value of partnerships, in this or any industry. Take some time yourself for this read this poignant and reflective blog that may give you a different perspective on 2019

Special Guests

The Hire Effect founder Miche Rayment returned to share why “Hiring More People is Not a Growth Plan”, and how your agency must first have a clear structure and culture in order for any new hires to be an effective fit in your agency.

Keeping the focus on your caregivers, we invited home care expert Stephen Tweed to lend us all tips on “Overcoming the Challenge of Caregiver Recruitment and Retention”. Tweed shared tips from his book Conquering the Crisis and gave us and our customers a can’t miss opportunity full of valuable information.

Connor Kunz of Home Care Pulse stopped by to not just share the results of the 2018 Benchmarking Study, but to help you put that data to work for you. “Exploring Highlights from the 2018 Home Care Benchmarking Study” is a must for anyone looking to gain insight from this invaluable resource.

Littler-Mendelson shareholder and labor law expert Angelo Spinola lent his know-how to help our customers “Learn More About Cyber Risk & Liability in Home Care.” Be sure to have this on your radar if you have any questions on exactly what your agency may be liable for in the event of a leak and how best to set yourself up for success in the event of the worst.

Looking Ahead with Rosemark

As a leading home care business software system, we could not be more excited for 2019 as we begin to roll out exciting new features and continue to help all of our customers grow. We hope you all can see a bright spot on the horizon this year, no matter how far off, and will keep it in your sights in the coming months. From everyone here at Shoshana Technologies, have a happy new year and warmest wishes for a successful 2019.

home care business software