A couple of weeks ago we wrote about a few tips that can be helpful to use when you’re just beginning to think about switching home care software providers for your home care agency. If you missed it, you can check it out here.

Now we’re following up with a look at the new customer experience when you sign up for service with our Rosemark System and how we make transitioning to our service seamless and headache-free. For many agencies, we know that the thought of making a home care business software change can seem so daunting that it may turn you off from the idea altogether. But making a switch doesn’t have to be painful and it doesn’t have to turn your business upside down. So let’s take a look at what our new customers experience when they first come on board with our service.

Transferring Your Data and Information to the Rosemark System

One of the most important pieces to the puzzle when you’re switching home care software providers is obviously related to all of the data and information you currently have stored by and in use within your old software system. How would all of that information get moved over to the Rosemark System? Can it be moved over easily or will our staff have to manually put everything into the new system? Is there a cost to import the data? How much input will we have to make sure the new system is set up and configured to fit the unique needs of our business? All of these questions are valid concerns and we work closely with each of our new customers to make sure they are comfortable with understanding exactly how the data transfer process is handled before we get started. When you sign up for service with the Rosemark System you can expect:

  • Our engineers will work with you to pull three years’ worth of information from your current system in a variety of methods, tailored to what suits you.
  • As we custom-build your database using your existing data, we will check in with you every step of the way to ensure that it matches your needs and processes.
  • Once our team has an accurate picture of the scope of the import and the time it will take to create your historical database, we will discuss and negotiate a cost that matches your needs and our time spent.

Orientation and Training with the Rosemark System

Another critical piece to consider when making a home care business software change is the training and instruction that is available to new customers when you’re first getting up and running with a new system. At Shoshana Technologies, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer care to each of our Rosemark System customers. Our customers say that this level of support is what makes us really stand out from other software providers and we love to hear that. When becoming a new Rosemark System customer, you can expect the following:

  • Once sign up for service with the Rosemark System, we will introduce you to your Account Manager, your main point of contact for use of the Rosemark System.
  • Your Account Manager will work with you to set up a series of live remote training sessions for you and any other members of your team that will be using the Rosemark System.
  • We will also send a series of training videos to supplement these live sessions, ensuring you get the most out of your instruction.

On-Going Training and Support for Rosemark System Customers

Once you’re up and running with our Rosemark System that is definitely not the last you will hear from us. We know that questions will continue to arise and as your business grows and changes you’ll need support to help manage those changes. Our team here at Shoshana Technologies will be available to you to help troubleshoot issues, brainstorm new ideas, and provide counsel at every step of the way when you need it. Some of the ongoing support you can expect includes the following:

  • Our customer care team is here to help you. If your customer care manager isn’t available when you call, any one of our trained staff is ready to take your call and see your problem through to a solution, even after office hours.
  • We pass our knowledge along to you. We stay aware of coming trends in the industry and make sure our customers are informed through regular blog posts, newsletters, and webinars.
  • We grow with you. Our engineers are always working to keep the Rosemark System up to date with the latest features your agency needs. The moment you feel that something may be lacking, contact us and we’ll get to work on a solution.
  • Our connections are your connections. We invite experts from across the industry to speak with our customers through guest webinars and our blog on a regular basis.
  • A growing community. Use our Rosemark Community to meet and interact with agency owners across the country.

Want More Information? Check Out the Rosemark System Today

As you can see, switching to a new home care business software provider doesn’t have to be difficult. If you’re considering a move, be sure to consider the tips we shared a couple of weeks ago. Then contact us for more information on our Rosemark System and what our service can do for your business. We can be reached at 734-662-3537 or info@rosemarksystem.com. Or to sign up for a free consultation, simply fill out the form below. We would love to speak with you!