Rosemark Loves Apples in September

*Feature Spotlight

*Rosemark Training Webinars

*State Medicaid

*Industry Resources – Webinars, Blogs, and News

New Features

Now you can export a list of your invoices to a CSV with corresponding numbered line items for each invoice. Helpful for record keeping.  It is especially useful if you don’t use QuickBooks. This feature is turned on for all and ready to use.

Your agency is now able to receive email and text notifications for Refused Shift Offers just like you can with Accepted Shift Offers. This feature is a great addition for agencies that have cases with consistent caregivers and want to offer new shifts to them before opening the offer to all other caregivers. Ask your friendly Customer Care Manager if you would like this feature turned on for you.

care management software
Rosemark Caregiver Mobile App

Feature Spotlight – Caregiver Mobile App

Our Rosemark Caregiver App offers a full set of features that give you visibility and a way for your workforce to be accountable. Our app is being used by thousands of caregivers logging millions of hours of care. Find out why so many agencies find this tool an invaluable resource for billing, payroll, and record-keeping in general.

David’s Training Webinars

Give a shout-out to David Goldwyn for great training webinars! You can get the benefit of David’s expertise, just sign up below for one or any number of these amazing 30 minutes of fun.

Ask questions, learn things, try things, and get great at using all of the Rosemark things.

Upcoming webinars:

  • Electronic Visit Verification: Monday  9/28
  • Care Plans & Task Entry: Wednesday  9/30
  • Module 1 – Client & Caregiver Setup: Monday 10/5

Call 734-662-3537 or go to the customer center to register and sign up there.

State Medicaid


Office of Long Term Living’s Act 150 waiver needs to be able to sync with Sandata so that home care agencies will be in compliance and stay in compliance with EVV requirements in PA. The Act 150 waiver is for people with disabilities getting home care in Pennsylvania. Rosemark now syncs to Sandata.

Rosemark also syncs with all of the other Medicaid programs that are handled through HHAxchange in Pennsylvania.

New Jersey

Rosemark’s planned integration with HHAeXchange will cover all of your Medicaid payer sources. Call Rosemark today for information about New Jersey Medicaid EVV.

Industry Resources, Webinars, Blogs, and News

Rosemark Blog – Getting Clients: A 2020 Look at Referral Sources for Private Duty Home Care Agencies: You may find that, depending on your location, different Referral Sources would be available to you. It is the job of your marketer or client procurement officer to discover what is available in your area for your business.

Home Care Association of America: Check out this report and infographic put out by HCAOA on the value of home care.

Littler (legal resource well-known in the Home Care Industry) has offered complimentary resources.

Home Health Care News: Interesting article about hospital-in-home.