It is highly recommended that you take steps to protect the health of your caregivers and clients by insisting that they communicate any symptoms or exposures immediately.
Shoshana Technologies is proud to announce new feature options within our Rosemark Caregiver Mobile App, Rosemark Telephony and the Rosemark Web Portal, tools that will allow agencies to set up COVID-19 health screening survey questions for caregivers and clients. These new features will provide a way for caregivers and clients to certify that they are COVID-19 symptom free.
New Agency Multi-Functional COVID-19 Tools
- Customizable health screening survey questions
- Mandatory survey response before caregivers clock in
- Real time alerts if a caregiver self-identifies as a health risk
- Documented record of the responses including: who, day and time
- Ability to override health risks answers in the event of a mistake
- Client or Client’s family can answer survey screening questions
- Accessible through Mobile App, Web Portal and Telephony
Customizable COVID-19 Health Screening Survey Questions
Legally reviewed health screening questions get you current information from your caregiver that makes it clear whether or not they are fit and healthy to work. We are part of a team of home health leaders and software vendors working with industry legal experts at Littler to come up with tools and survey questions to help protect clients, caregivers and agency owners.
It is recommended that every agency has its own legal council. You and your legal council may want to make changes to the questions. We have made it easy to add questions, remove questions or change the make-up of the questions to suit your own circumstances. For instance, you may not feel the need to include the question: “Have you been on a cruise in the last two weeks?” Or, you may want to be more detailed and ask questions about specific symptoms.

Mandatory Survey Response Before Caregiver’s Clock-In
Your caregiver’s health at the time of the shift is very important. You would want to know well in advance of any given shift that they are healthy, able to work and do not pose a health risk to your client. With the Rosemark tools you have that ability. With the Rosemark Caregiver Mobile App caregivers can take the survey well in advance of their shift, even at home before the day starts. Timing requirements are flexible: they can be required to take the survey every 12 hours, 16 hours or whatever you decide.
The Rosemark Web App allows your care workers to take the survey on a computer or tablet in the case that they do not have a smart phone. Rosemark Telephony will also let your care workers use the telephone to take the survey via telephony from their own phone. When they get to the client’s house they can then use the client phone to clock in and out.
Real Time Alerts if the Caregiver Self-Identifies as a Health Risk
Get emails or texts to the address of your choice in real time so you alerted that you may need to make changes to the schedule or get another caregiver for the shift.
Documented Record of Responses
Have legal documentation of who took the survey, when they took the survey including date and time. Now you have the responses that that were made to the survey for your records.
Ability to Override Health Survey Answers
Everyone makes mistakes. Caregivers may have clicked the wrong button, they may have misunderstood the question or maybe they just weren’t paying attention. Whatever the reason, if answered incorrectly the caregiver will not have the ability to clock in to their shift. In any of these cases you will have the ability to override their answer, record a reason for the change and have a record as to why it was changed so that the caregiver can then clock into the shift. With early notification you can already know that someone in your office will be required to address the situation.

Client has the Ability to Take the Digital Health Survey
Through the Rosemark Client Portal the client (or a family member on the client’s behalf) would be able to take the health survey. You would be alerted if there is a risk to them and to your caregiver. This can be an important tool for keeping a bead on all of your important people.
Rosemark Provides 3 ways to take the Health Survey: Mobile App, Web Portal and Telephony
The Rosemark System Team has been working diligently with industry experts and created many very practical tools that will be critical for your agency’s legal and physical health. Accessing these tools through all of the technologies available give you maximum flexibility to make sure that all of your bases are covered. Call us for more information or to see the tools in action. 734-662-3537