Is a Telephone Check-In Service Just What You Need?

Are you getting client cancellations? It is understandable that people are scared. Many of you are doing phone check-ins for those clients, for free. That in itself is a great idea and a very kind gesture, and it is taking up your agency’s time and resources.  There is a reasonable alternative: telephone check-in service.

Create a new service type as an offering for new inquiries, people who are looking for just that type of service. They don’t want care workers in their homes or in their loved ones’ homes but they want real people checking in with them on a regular basis. This would provide peace of mind to all parties that something is being done. It is a much better alternative or in addition to “help I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”.

I have heard the argument from agency owners that they would feel guilty charging for such a thing. My reaction to this is that we are all struggling to keep afloat during this crisis. Everyone has to do their part. Your contribution is to provide a service that will be a great stopgap during the COVID-19 outbreak and your client’s contribution is to help pay for it. It could be a great service to them and they will most likely be charged much less than actual in-home care would cost. Everyone benefits.

Agencies are doing this already so get on the bandwagon!

Here Are Some Steps to Get This Service Going

  • Create a name for your new service and make sure to automate billing and payroll by adding your Service to Rosemark
    • What will you charge for this service?
    • What will you pay?
    • Ok, you decide that you just can’t charge for this service. Create the service anyway, make a “no charge” line on your client’s invoice to reflect the check-ins, get some brownie points at least! $0 would be the bill rate in Rosemark.
  • Offer phone check-ins, e.g. every couple of hours, 2 times daily…
  • Come up with a plan for your staff how to handle specific issues as they might crop up.
    • Client can’t be reached and others need to be notified
    • Client needs additional services, food or pharmacy runs
    • Client is having symptoms, who should be notified
    • Etc…
  • Use office staff or perhaps some caregivers who are responsible to be a monitor and caller for this service.
  • Each staff would be responsible for a handful of clients.
  • Keep this going until the crisis passes, then resume in-home care services as usual.
  • This could keep your client from canceling altogether.
  • Get new clients who get check-in calls now. They, potentially, will be ready to get in-home care when COVID-19 blows over.
  • Don’t forget to get your marketing and website updated with the new service. Make it easy for people to find you. Everyone is on the Internet looking for just the right thing!

Good Luck, Stay Safe, Be Well!