Get the Most From Your Home Care Software through Onboarding and Training

Onboarding, training, and continued education are essential for agencies that want to get the most from their home care management software, whether you’re a beginner or a long-time user of the system. There is value in spending the right amount of time to develop best practices and hone your skills within the software.

Woman in scrubs holding a tablet so she can access her home care management system
Onboarding and training can make all the difference when it comes to your knowledge, understanding, and use of your home care management software.

Onboarding and Training

First and foremost, if you are brand new to using home care software or to the specific software your agency is using, it’s incredibly important to take onboarding seriously. Work with your software company to create a training timeline that works for you, and stick to it. Time commitments might feel intimidating, but learning a new software properly will take time and coaching from a dedicated customer service team.

The foundational concepts of learning a new software system set the tone for your user experience, so don’t skip over them. We recommend that everyone attend all of the training sessions set up by your customer care team, not just the ones you think are pertinent to your particular job. Whether you handle care plans in your role or not, it’s still valuable to learn about them and how they work in the software, because it will give you a better understanding of what your coworkers or employees are doing. And if they come to you with a related question down the road, you’ll have a better understanding of why functionality is laid out the way it is or why tasks are set up in specific ways.


If for any reason you need to make changes to your onboarding timeline, communicate that with your trainer so you can work with them to reschedule the training sessions accordingly. 

Asking questions is crucial to learning, so don’t be hesitant to speak up if you’re confused about anything that comes up during the onboarding and training process. Companies like the Rosemark System have built their reputation on providing excellent customer service, and being responsive to customer questions is a big part of that. 

Terminology can also be confusing for new home care agency staffers or different for industry veterans who are transitioning from a different system, so solid communication is necessary to make sure you and your software company are on the same page.

It’s also a much better idea to double-check with your account manager and make sure you’re doing something correctly rather than just winging it and forcing things to work. For example, you might be pulling a report in a way that gets you the data you need, but your customer care team might be able to show you a simpler, more efficient way to pull that information if you just ask them about it.

Practice Makes Perfect

What better way to learn than by putting your training into practice? Since using software is the most effective way to learn about it, Rosemark offers a demo database agencies can play around in, with no consequences to your own data. So you can get real hands-on practice with the comfort and knowledge you won’t break anything. 

How Much Training Do I Need?

Depending on your role at your home care agency, your training needs may vary. Schedulers will have the most direct training path because their job will encompass many things such as adding clients and caregivers, scheduling caregivers, assigning tasks, and more.

While other software companies will have their own training tracks, Rosemark offers four foundational training webinars each week that we recommend everyone attend. In addition, we offer monthly specialized training webinars on topics such as referrals and lead tracking, how to deal with Daylight Savings Time, creating customized reports, billing and payroll management, and other subject matter relevant to your home care agency. 

Keep in mind, the more time and effort you put into learning your home care software at the beginning, the fewer questions you will have down the road, which will lead to reduced stress and frustration. 

While you won’t learn it all overnight, and your customer care team is available to help you when the need arises, home care management software companies like Rosemark want you to feel comfortable and happy working with the software we’ve created for you. 

For that reason, Rosemark has created a series of tools designed to help you learn the software so you can use it as effectively and efficiently as possible, including:

  • Onboarding and training tracks
  • Weekly foundational online training webinars
  • A monthly specialized online training webinar
  • A robust User’s Guide
  • A Customer Support page filled with helpful how-to videos  and FAQs

Some software vendors work hard to get your business, but at Rosemark System, we work hard to keep your business. We offer the best customer support in the industry, supply the tools you need to learn and excel at using our software, provide strategic conversations to help your business grow and thrive, and partner with you so you feel confident you’re getting the most out of your home care management software. 

For more information about the Rosemark System, fill out the form below, or call us at 734.662.3537.