Use Actions to Record Calls

Using Actions in Rosemark gives both the on-call and day staff the ability to record, sort, and report on the types of calls received during either on-call or normal business hours and will increase home care agency productivity. 

  • Completed actions allow the staff to log the call, either for a client or a caregiver, including information like:
    • time
    • date
    • content of the call
  • Pending actions can be used for the day staff. It can make sure necessary changes are made or that clients/caregivers are contacted in a timely manner.
    • Create follow-ups 
    • Create remindersHome Care Agency Productivity

David Goldwyn (Customer Care Account Manager) says, “A well-constructed set of diverse action types can help agencies determine such things as the frequency of certain types of calls as well as give them better visibility of what their clients and caregivers need.”

In Rosemark go to File>Configuration>Actions for the ability to create useful Action Types to help efficiency, productivity, and visibility in your home care agency. Below are some Action Type examples that might use to get you started.

Action Type Examples

  • Client Call Back (FUP) – If the on-call staff takes a call from a client this can be used as a pending action to remind the day staff to call the client back or as a completed action to log a callback. 
  • CG Call Back (FUP) – If the on-call staff takes a call from a caregiver this can be used as a pending action to remind the day staff to call the caregiver back or as a completed action to log a callback.
  • Caregiver Scheduling Change (and/or Shift Change) – If a client calls to adjust a shift or schedule this can be used by on-call staff to leave a record of a changed shift/schedule at the request of the client.  Also useful to track calls during normal business hours of schedule/shift changes.
  • CG Call Off – If the caregiver calls in sick the on-call staff member can create a completed action on the caregiver’s profile detailing the issue
  • On-Call General Note – This one is pretty clear, it can be used by on-call staff to record any general notes.  It will allow day staff to sort by the action type and look over any notes on-call staff entered while the office was closed.

Actions are a powerful tool that often goes underutilized. By creating a documentation process around them agencies can increase documentation and accountability.  The best part is this tool is that it is included in the cost of the Rosemark Caregiver Scheduling System, so it is ready to use. Go for it to increase your home care agency productivity!