For years, some skeptics have put greater focus on the challenges facing home care than the opportunities available. Others have prophesied doom and gloom about the future of Home Care. They highlight government policies, recruitment struggles, and operational challenges – painting a bleak picture of the industry. But today, I want to set the record straight:

image of Jessica Nobels, Co-Founder of Home Care Ops
Jessica Nobles, co-founder of Home Care Ops, is a Serial Entrepreneur and is recognized as the industry’s leading Business and Home Care Owner coach.

Home Care is not only surviving, but thriving by every reliable metric. 

It’s time to debunk the pessimism and embrace the immense potential these shifts offer. Let’s explore how owners can successfully leverage the current and shape the future state of the home care industry.


The Journey from Fear to Empowerment

As someone who has experienced fear mongering and risen through the ranks from caregiver to entrepreneur and agency owner, I understand the concerns sparked by dire predictions. I’ve worked closely with Home Care owners at all levels, witnessing the impact of so-called experts that use shock value to build their platforms. Unfortunately, the shock value only accomplishes one of two things: provides short-lived (flash-in-the-pan) results or dwells more on the shock of negative without offering a solution at all. This only adds to the level of frustration and incorrectly confirmed fears of some home care owners.

Yet, Clint and I were able to build success upon success, and have witnessed many others go from a state of despair to incredible achievement. So, when people suggest that the Home Care industry is in trouble, I say with confidence that they are 100% wrong. Celebrating even the smallest of wins lessens the fears and reluctance. Adapting your home care agency to align with what others have found success through empowers you to scale and pursue other areas within your agency and life in general to succeed.


Acknowledging Challenges with Optimism

Let’s not disregard the challenges that exist today. Whether they stem from national trends or specific regions, these obstacles may be affecting your agency. However, it’s crucial to approach them with optimism and arm yourself with the tools and commitment to overcome them. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, ask yourself pertinent questions and take decisive action to navigate these challenges. While your current position in the home care industry may be less than you desire, a sober awareness and assessment is a healthy place to start.

This realization helps you in setting more realistic goals, providing you more quick wins and opportunities to celebrate success with your team. A united and confident approach to your goals, filled with confidence and armed with a plan will fuel optimism.


Establishing Systems and Structure

Commenting on the successes of home care owners we’ve been coaching to further develop their “Home Care by Design”, our Director of Digital Marketing, Kevin Hansen stated: “It’s incredible to witness as these owners have evolved from chasing opportunity to shaping opportunity.”

Consistent, repeatable quality solutions. That’s the hope from your clients, and it’s far more attainable when you shape how that works through bringing caregivers and management into structured operations. 

If you find the need to establish systems and structure within your agency, invest the necessary resources to gain the knowledge and ability to do so. Embrace the opportunity to organize and streamline your operations. Remember, taking action is key to progress.


Recruiting and Team Development

I’ve been to conferences where owners complain that everyone just nay says about caregivers, only commenting on how significant the rate of turnover is – without providing real solutions. 

Deepen your understanding of recruiting and team development. Find the path that works best for your agency and yourself. By investing time and effort into improving your process of attracting, keeping and celebrating top caregiver talent, you’ll build a strong team that supports your agency’s growth and success.

Those agencies employing resources and processes to define, attract, hire, and retain their ideal caregivers are finding greater success in overcoming the challenges faced by essentially every industry in our pay bracket. The systems you put in place will provide your caregivers with just as much comfort from consistency and structure as you and your leadership team will experience.


Taming Chaos

If you have systems in place but still find yourself amidst chaos, it’s essential to analyze to determine improvements needed, then prioritize, commit to, and implement improvements. Channel the overwhelm and uncertainty by finding effective ways to streamline your processes and bring order to your agency. Don’t let chaos hinder your potential for success.

Leverage the talent in your organization to not only improve the processes, but also put into place accountability through which your team receives the necessary support and resources to succeed, along with the follow through from leadership to follow the process. 


Unleashing the Limitless Potential

As an industry, we are achieving remarkable things, and no current challenge can undermine that truth. The potential for home care is truly limitless. As an individual owner, however, it’s vital to equip yourself with the best weapons to tackle the daily challenges. Don’t limit your own potential. Always move forward and take proactive action.


Key Takeaway

If you’re tired of the influence of naysayers when it comes to home care and want to align with others that are more optimistic, here’s where you can start:

  • Seek out vendor solutions that align with your WHY as a home care owner and that help you level up your consistency in delivery of service.
  • Connect with home care owners that are constantly seeking out and implementing successful processes and systems. You can find thousands of home care owners doing just that on Facebook in the Home Care Owners Community.
  • There is incredible power in finding a coach/mentor/accountability partner that can navigate you through current challenges and help you shape successes.

Embrace the power of technology and processes to propel your agency forward. Let’s reject pessimism and embrace the thriving future of Home Care together.

P.S. Click here to watch the replay of our “2 Minute Messaging Framework” session, then sign up to be invited to our next free Masterclass!