When new customers come to us, we often hear that one of the many reasons they left their old software provider was due to a lack of attentive customer care. We’re told that before signing a contract for service their salesperson provided lots of great information and was available almost any time to answer any questions they had about the software and terms of service. The sales demonstration went really well, the marketing information they were given was polished and professional, and the software seemed to provide all the bells and whistles they might need to run their business. But after a contract was signed and service began things became a lot more difficult. The process to train agency staff on the system wasn’t thorough, questions about software features after the initial training often took days to get answered, and if an issue arose with the system that required immediate attention it was almost impossible to get help in a timely fashion.

Does any of this experience sound like something your agency has gone through at some point? Are you living through something like this right now and wondering if there might be a better option out there? Or maybe you just assume that when it comes to software providers, it’s impossible to find a great system that also comes with excellent customer care.

At Shoshana Technologies, we pride ourselves on providing an industry-leading customer care experience to help our customers optimize and grow their businesses.  We know that when running your home care agency you need your business management software to provide great tools that work without a hitch day in and day out. But along with those tools, you also need a stellar customer care team that can provide the training, troubleshooting, and counsel you need exactly when you need it. With this in mind, our team is an extension of your team from the very start and we’re here to support you – every day, any time.

What Excellent Customer Care Looks Like with the Rosemark System

Initial Training & On-Going Training

What you get with the Rosemark System:

When you sign up with the Rosemark System your agency will have access to our entire team of experienced and knowledgeable staff members. You will also be assigned a dedicated customer care manager to act as your technology partner and the point person for all your initial training and ongoing needs. We train all of your staff members that will be using the system with training modules and we provide ongoing support whenever needed that includes new hires as well. We also provide a comprehensive and well-organized user guide along with training videos and webinars on specific topics that can be accessed at any time.

Immediate Support

Home Care software
The Rosemark Team of Real People Ready to Help

What you get with the Rosemark System:

It’s Friday evening at 6 p.m. and you realize that you’ve got an issue. You’ve just finished payroll and you get a call from a caregiver who says that she worked an extra hour on two shifts by request of the client. She forgot to tell you about it. Now what? You need to pay her and you need to bill the client in a timely manner. You have never had this problem before. What do you do in this instance? How are you going to get timely help with this issue to make sure your billing and payroll activities are correct for that time period? As a Rosemark System customer you will always have immediate access to our team of knowledgeable and experienced customer care managers. And whenever needed, you will also be provided with one-on-one tech support from a Shoshana Technologies team member to help you solve any pressing problems that may arise. There are no online help requests to submit or lines to wait in. Our customers have zero wait time when it comes to getting the support and troubleshooting you need. Simply give us a call any day or time and our team is here to help.

Support as Your Home Care Agency Grows and/or Needs Change

What you get with the Rosemark System:

So, you have the basics of the system down but there are some questions you have and additional tools you need now that your agency has grown. You want to understand all of the options the system offers but you’re not sure where to start. Not to worry, you’ve built a solid relationship with your customer care manager through regular conversations and check-ins so she understands the nuances of your agency’s business and she’s perfectly suited to help you determine the next steps that your agency should take in fully utilizing the Rosemark System to reach your new business goals. 

Partnership and Strategic Counsel

What you get with the Rosemark System:

The team at Shoshana Technologies has a long history of working with home care customers around the continent and we’ve built a wealth of knowledge upon which to counsel our current clients. When you work with the Rosemark System we regularly evaluate your business operations and performance with our system to help anticipate business needs and issues that may arise. And for higher level discussions and strategic council around larger issues your business may be facing, you have access to leadership at Shoshana Technologies who can help you problem-solve and determine a strategy or solution for moving forward.

It is the aim of our company to positively affect your agency’s efficiency, to lower your cost of doing business, and to give you an edge in this competitive business environment, so we have to ask, what is bad customer service with your core home care management software costing you?

For more information about the Rosemark System and our commitment to excellent customer care, contact us at 734-662-3537 or info@rosemarksystem.com.