Time is one of the most valuable resources we have. That’s why maximizing your usage of the Rosemark System is so important. Saving time with proper utilization gives your home care agency back more minutes and hours that can be devoted to other tasks, such as growing your client base or training new team members.

A woman working at a computer with the Rosemark logo on it, next to an image of an alarm clock
From mapping caregivers to skills matching, the Rosemark System is designed to save home care agencies time so they can focus on growing business and providing great care.

You’re already paying for the service, so make sure you’re taking advantage of everything the software has to offer your home care agency. Paper and pencil are ways of the past; Rosemark’s home care operations and management tools maximize efficiency while minimizing the time you’re spending on operations.

Here are five easy ways the Rosemark System can save your home care agency time:

  • Mapping Caregivers: Did you know that Rosemark can map caregivers to clients/potential clients to see who would be the closest option relative to their location? If you open the web portal, you can tell Rosemark to map Clients/Caregivers. This allows you to see which caregivers are nearby and who would be the best candidate to offer shifts to.
  • Alerts: Rosemark can send notifications when caregivers are not clocked in on time. Did someone not show up to their shift? Lost in traffic and forgot to call? Rosemark allows for notifications so you can be alerted when a caregiver is not on site, clocking out down the road, or even when they started their shift too early. Our caregiver management software takes the hassle out of checking alerts, so you can spend time on more important things.
  • Skills: Do you have a client who requires their caregiver to like pets and be a non-smoker? Maybe another client who only wants someone who speaks Spanish? Rosemark can match skills to caregivers to help make sure your clients are getting the best fit.
  • Bulk Messaging: Does your agency have 300 caregivers? While it would take a long time to message them all to remind them Friday is a holiday, with the Rosemark System, you can mass message all your caregivers at once, select just a few of them, or choose only one. This feature was designed to make administrative lives easier by saving time and energy.
  • Labels: Want to send off holiday cards to clients or invite all the caregivers to a company picnic? Rosemark has the option to automate labels based on your database to help save you time with all your mailing needs. Stop addressing those cards by hand and ask about Rosemark’s label functionality today!

If you’re not already using these Rosemark System features and would like more information on saving time by making the most of your home care management software, reach out to our industry-leading Customer Care team for details.