Updated December 2022: The federal 21st Century CURES Act enacted in 2016 required all Missouri Personal Care Services (PCS) providers to comply with the act’s requirements around the use of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) by January 1, 2021.  After two years of allowing home care agencies to adjust to these new mandates, the state of Missouri is now getting more strict on adherence to their EVV requirements. 

The Rosemark System’s EVV tracking tools – including an easy-to-use caregiver mobile app in addition to a  telephony service option – are approved for use in Missouri and meet all state and federal requirements, so your business can continue to provide care and receive Medicaid reimbursements for qualifying services.

To learn more about how Rosemark’s EVV options can work for your business and to ensure your business is compliant with regulations in Missouri, contact us today to speak with a Rosemark team member at 734-662-3537 or info@rosemarksystem.com. If you are a home care provider in Missouri, you should already be utilizing Rosemark or a different software to meet the state’s electronic visit verification requirements. However, since the mandate went into effect two years ago, the state of Missouri is now cracking down on mistakes in an attempt to ferret out fraud. We’ve heard from many of our agencies in Missouri that audits are being conducted in order to ensure proper EVV compliance.

If you are not already up to speed on Missouri’s EVV regulations, you should ensure your agency is doing the following: 

  1. Recording the exact date services are delivered.
  2. Recording the exact time services began and the exact time services ended.
  3. Verifying the telephone number from which the services were registered.
  4. Verifying that the number from which the call is placed is a telephony number unique to the client.
  5. Requiring a personal identification number unique to each personal care attendant, and
  6. Being capable of producing reports of services delivered, tasks performed, client identity, beginning and end times of service and date of service in a summary fashion that constitutes adequate documentation of service.

Whenever new technology is introduced, it can be challenging to not only implement but to also consistently use correctly. An important factor here is vendor fit. By vendor fit, what we mean is a  home care software provider that fits into your processes. You don’t want to have to change your entire process to conform to your vendor, so find a software that fits your agency’s needs  

In a perfect world, that new technology would slide gracefully into your day-to-day operations and make them even more efficient. But this can only happen if you make sure that the vendor you pick has all the features you need/want, has similar goals and expectations for the relationship, is in your price range, and works well with any current tools your agency has already implemented.

For example, it would be difficult to implement a home care management system that does not link to your schedule or billing and payroll. In that case, you would have to spend even more time manually entering the information into one or more systems. With the Rosemark System, your processes are streamlined into one easy-to-use software that allows you to schedule, bill, and pay your employees all from one place rather than jumping around from one software to another or waiting on and tallying up manual timesheets.

Be sure to ask questions when looking for a vendor.  Schedule a consultation so you can get a clear picture of what to expect. And be sure to ask around the industry to get the feedback of other agencies, especially in regards to customer service, system up/down time, and ease of use.  

The more you know about your  EVV provider and how they accomplish the requirements listed above, the better prepared you will be for success!

To learn more about our EVV tracking tools and how our home care management software can benefit your agency, contact us at 734-662-3537 or fill out the form below to schedule a consultation.