Caregiver showing off the app
Let Rosemark be your system for Medicaid billing and electronic visit verification in Pennsylvania.

The Rosemark System Electronic Visit Verification tools include a mobile app and telephony service and are approved for use in Pennsylvania, including new updated requirements which will be enforced on August 10, 2022. Our EVV tools meet all state and federal requirements so your business can continue to provide care and receive Medicaid reimbursements for qualifying services. To learn more about how our EVV options can work for your business and ensure your business is compliant with regulations in Pennsylvania as well as the 21st Century CURES Act, contact us today to speak with a Rosemark team member at 734-662-3537 or

Is your home care management software recertified with Sandata? Has your software provider moved to the HHAeXchange V5 integration in order to stay compliant with new regulations from the state of Pennsylvania? If you’re finding your EVV software is not compatible with Sandata or HHAeXchange, or you are a new agency uncertain of the regulations expected of your business, rest assured that the Rosemark System meets those needs and is designed to help you run your home care business more efficiently.

Let Rosemark be your system for Medicaid billing and electronic visit verification in Pennsylvania. Our home care management software offers a full suite of business tools to operate your home care business – everything from EVV options to features that manage scheduling, billing and payroll, care plans, caregiver communications, and more.

Comply with Requirements for Electronic Visit Verification in Pennsylvania Today

Our Rosemark System EVV tools integrate seamlessly with Pennsylvania’s chosen data aggregators, Sandata and HHAeXchange, meeting all federal and state requirements so businesses like yours can be compliant while continuing to provide quality care.

As of August 10, 2022, all vendors integrating with Sandata need to be recertified due to new requirements by the state of Pennsylvania. Due to the same state requirements, HHAeXchange has moved to a V5 integration, which Rosemark has also successfully completed.

Rosemark EVV Meets Pennsylvania Medicaid Requirements

Our EVV tools can verify:

  • Type of service provided
  • Name of the individual receiving service
  • Date of service delivery
  • Location of service delivery
  • Name of the individual providing the service
  • Time the service begins and ends

We offer both our Rosemark Caregiver Mobile App and telephony service depending on your business needs. Setup is simple and the tools are very user-friendly for your caregivers in the field.

The Rosemark Caregiver Mobile App utilizes GPS-enabled location verification to confirm caregiver location at clock-in/clock-out and it can easily be accessed by caregivers from a mobile phone or other mobile devices. For low to no internet locations where WiFi is spotty or nonexistent, the Rosemark System also features an offline mode.

A Trusted Home Care Partner in Pennsylvania and Beyond

Our Rosemark System is designed specifically for the home care industry and providers in Pennsylvania and around the U.S. and Canada have relied upon it to operate their businesses for nearly three decades.

“We have been with Shoshana for 7 years now and couldn’t be more satisfied. They are responsive and are always there to take our calls and answer our questions. When Managed Care came into play along with Sandata, Shoshana seamlessly integrated with their platforms and created all of the specs needed to bill the Managed Care companies. We are fortunate to have such a great EVV company to partner with!”

Reliant at Home Care
David Goldenberg, President

Affordable EVV for Agencies of all Sizes

Rosemark’s EVV tools are priced to be competitive for home care providers of all types and sizes. Setup is easy and base monthly fees are minimal.

Still confused about EVV? To learn more about how our EVV options can work for your business and to make sure you’re compliant with regulations in Pennsylvania, contact us to speak with a Rosemark team member.

Learn more about Rosemark’s mobile EVV system in PA and our entire suite of cloud-based software systems, reach out to us today at 734-662-3537. We’d love the opportunity to schedule a no-obligation demonstration and answer any questions you have about our industry-leading software solutions.