Staying abreast of the latest news, trends, and issues within the private duty home care arena is very important to us here at Shoshana Technologies. To keep up with the latest developments, like caregiver retention tips and what’s new in electronic visit verification in Indiana, Ohio, and states around the country, we regularly attend industry conferences hosted by key organizations including the National Association for Home Care & Hospice, the Home Care Association of America, Decision Health, and other regional entities.

Just last week we attended the annual conference for Visiting Angels home care hosted in San Diego, Calif., an excellent opportunity to hear from industry experts invited to present on key topics. These speakers covered a variety of topics including measuring ROI, communications and digital marketing, recruitment and retention of caregivers, fall prevention, ACO information, and best practices.

Managing Your Home Care Agency’s Marketing Representative

One of the experts we heard from was Steve Weiss of Hurricane Marketing Enterprises. If you’ve ever heard him speak, you know why Weiss is called “The Hurricane”. He’s such an energetic and dynamic speaker that you can’t help but get caught up in his energy.

During his presentation, Weiss spoke about best practices for home care agencies when employing and managing a marketing representative. He reminded audience members that if you are new to the business you are most likely your own marketing rep, and he suggested how to know when it’s time to delegate those responsibilities and make a new hire. Weiss also talked about how to find the right candidate to fill the role of a marketing representative for your agency and what qualities that person should ideally have. In addition to these topics, he also discussed what to pay your marketing representative and the best ways to limit turnover of this position that can often see frequent changes.

A Blog Post and Video on the Importance of Working Closely with Your Marketing Representative

We found Weiss to be such a fantastic wealth of knowledge on this important topic of managing a marketing representative that we thought others would find this thought valuable as well. If you have an interest in hearing from Weiss yourself, check out this video and blog post we found on his web site regarding the importance of home care agency owners working hand-in-hand with their marketing representatives. It’s great information and insight for every home care agency and definitely something to stop and give thought to as you’re running your day-to-day business operations.

How To Market Your Home Care Business video & blog 

Join the Discussion

What do you think? When managing a marketing representative in your own home care agency, have you learned any best practices that have really helped improve your business?

Need a home care software system that stays up to date on home care industry news and issues and can handle electronic visit verification in Indiana, Ohio, or whatever state you’re in? Contact the Rosemark team today to schedule a free demo.