Every business has inefficiencies in its day-to-day operations. Some are a bit annoying and some are keeping their business from growing. The latter can be a big problem for home care agencies. Big or small, these inefficiencies are caused by lack of processes, lack of bandwidth, bad habits, or a combination of all of them.Happy, smiling woman working on her computer to learn more about her home care software

We often see users who may be held back by digging in their heels and trying to do things the usual way when the software can save them time and energy. The Rosemark team can help you by understanding and reworking processes that will help you on a daily basis. They can also help you sort out what it is that you are really trying to accomplish in the most efficient way.

We’ve listed some of the common laments that the Rosemark Customer Care team hears from our home care agency customers. By delving into the underlying difficulties together (with a user’s willingness and the help of our team), these problems can be solved with proper use of the software in combination with good business practices. 

Do you find that you or your staff use any of these objections?

“Payroll has always been done this way!” or “Isn’t there a better way to do my payroll?”

One of the most common obstacles that prevents a user from getting the most out of their software is being unwilling to change the way things have always been done. It can be very helpful if they can stand back and think about exactly what you are trying to accomplish.

  • Are they trying to shorten a process to save time?
  • Are they trying to understand a new concept in the software?
  • Are they trying to combine processes?

These are important considerations when trying to get your home care software to work with your goals. 

A classic example of this objection is payroll. We often hear customers say that it takes them 2 days to do payroll. Or someone brags that their payroll only takes 5 hours to complete their payroll process.

With proper use of the Rosemark System, you can complete your payroll with just a couple of clicks. Ask for help from your Rosemark team to get you set up. Make your payroll process a snap instead of a slog.

“I’m the only one that can do this job” or “Why use automation when I know I can do it better?”

It’s often seen by our Customer Care team that a member of a home care staff does not like to let the software help them do their job. It might be that they are afraid that they could lose their value in the agency or they worry that they might lose their job.

Sometimes, it’s a matter of retaining power by holding on to their particular tower of knowledge. All of these behaviors will rob your agency of the effectiveness and efficiency of having your own data do the work for you.  

Give your team a pep talk. Let them know that improving their workflow will give them time to work on other projects that can help grow the business and that this kind of initiative will only help them be a better employee, therefore, making them more valuable to the agency. Encourage them to get help from the Rosemark Customer Care team. We love to make a difference for our customers.

“Why doesn’t this home care software do it the way I think?” or “There is no automation software that can do my work.”

Some users need to be able to imagine how the software does its job before they can figure out how to use it to its full extent. This may lead to cases of working against the software.

This difficulty in converting their own processes into working with the software is often hard to overcome on their own. If you recognize this tendency in yourself or any of your colleagues, encourage them to contact the Rosemark team for help.

Make sure to follow up on their progress because it may take continuing support to keep the ball rolling. We’ve seen it many times, and we are willing to help.

“How do I get the best use of the home care software?” or “I know that I am not using all that I am paying for.”

Perhaps your agency has nailed the scheduling of clients and caregivers. Good for you! But then you remember that you were given information when you signed up for Rosemark regarding payroll. Maybe you have a faint memory of a training session that mentioned tracking referrals.

We understand this phenomenon. We have been in the home care space for decades, and we have been improving our software all along the way. So we see all the time that users don’t even know the next question to ask for additional support. Well, we can help!

You were given tools when you signed up. One of these tools is the Boost Scorecard. It can come in handy when you need to see what is available to you at a glance. Go over it with a Rosemark team member and lay out a plan to get everything you can out of Rosemark.

In the long run, it will help you grow your home care business because you will be organized and understand what your next steps are. If you can’t put your fingers on it, click here to get access to it.

“What are other agencies doing to improve their processes?” or “It would be great to talk to other agency owners without feeling like I am talking to a competitor.”

Working in a small business can often make an owner feel lonely. Luckily, there are thousands of agencies out there who are doing the same thing that you are doing.

From our experience, most of these agencies are friendly and willing to offer helpful information, so there is no need to go it alone. We ask that you join our monthly Rosemark Connects – Home Care Partner forum, where you can talk with other agency owners and operators freely.

Ask any of our team members, and they will get you the information that you need to join the conversation.