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Learn how to leverage data and grow your agency with Rosemark’s robust home care software system.

To grow your home care agency, it takes strong skills in both caregiving and business. Most people get into the home care industry because they have a heart for helping others and know how to provide exceptional care. Because meeting the day-to-day care needs of clients is so important and time-consuming, the operational end of the business may not always get the attention it deserves. But the fact is that to be successful, agencies do need to track key performance indicators (KPIs) in order to make effective and efficient business decisions. There’s an old adage in business that says, “What gets measured gets managed.” And when it comes to your home care agency, the ability to measure (and manage) key data points is pivotal to long-term, sustainable growth.

A refrain we hear quite a bit from our agency owner clients is that they do not know what specific data to pay attention to as they make key business decisions. This is where the Rosemark home care software system and our support specialists can really partner with your agency to provide insight and education. Rosemark has both the industry know-how and the ability to record and track the KPIs that home health care agencies need. And, unlike many of the larger software companies, we take the time to personally walk you through what you need to monitor and assess, eliminating the trial and error that many agencies experience.

How Rosemark Helps Track KPIs

The Rosemark team focuses on helping each agency we serve, whether a start-up or an established business, record and manage data in an approachable way that makes it easy to digest and repurpose for growth opportunities. We work with you personally, learn your specific needs and determine what critical KPIs to track for your unique business.

Just some of the data that the Rosemark System can help agencies track include:

Referral Tracking

It’s imperative that agencies know where leads are coming from. One agency we work with is 99% referral based. They work with Rosemark to generate a custom referral report which provides a breakdown of referral sources, how many clients came from each source, how many referrals became active clients, and how long those referral clients remained with the agency.  This data is critical to help focus your sales team, plan marketing efforts, and prepare for staffing needs.

Conversion Cycle

There are two key conversion questions that every agency must answer for home care agency growth:

  • Where are your conversions coming from?
  • How long does it take for a lead to become a client?

The Rosemark System can help answer both. For example, an agency we work with both purchases leads and runs marketing campaigns on Facebook. With Rosemark, a customized report was generated, comparing the purchased leads to those that came in from the Facebook ad campaign. The report showed that, while there was a higher volume of purchased leads, the Facebook leads had a higher conversion rate, resulting in more actual clients for the agency. After analyzing this data, the home care agency was able to reallocate their marketing budget to focus more on Facebook advertising and less on the purchased leads.

Customer Management

The built-in actions tool in the Rosemark System can be used like a customer relationship management (CRM) tool to remind agencies to set appointments for follow-up calls and service reminders with potential clients and referral sources. Helping home care agencies easily plan and organize marketing efforts reduces costs and increases efficiencies. Coupling the actions tool with referral tracking data to send thank-you emails, nurture campaigns, and other communications to further build referral relationships are just a few examples of how the Rosemark System can be customized to help agency owners work smarter, not harder.

Your Partner in Data and Growth

Data is essential to the growth of a business. Whether you’re growing your home care agency from the ground up or starting from a more established position, Rosemark can be your partner in making data tracking and reporting easy and accessible. Want to learn more about how we’ve helped agencies reach and exceed their goals? Download a client case study or give us a call today to schedule a free consultation.