an image of Miche Rayment, founder of The Hire Effect
Miche Rayment, founder of The Hire Effect discusses ways to connect with your home care staff

Recently, Shoshana Technologies CEO, Linda Teaman, sat down with the founder of The Hire Effect, Miche Rayment, to talk directly to agency owners and administrators about their home care staff. Rayment has been consulting companies on their hiring practices and company culture for years, and we here at Shoshana Technologies have been using her guidelines to build an effective team that’s dedicated to serving our customers.

We believe in the importance of a shared understanding of your company culture, so we brought Rayment in to speak and discuss how exactly any agency can accomplish the rather daunting task of bringing it all together. She shared advice on how to start – by talking to your staff and customers about how your agency is being perceived; how to move forward – by examining your processes and how they align with your agency’s values; and how to maintain – by reinforcing aspirational values until they become your agency’s actual values through repetition.

We couldn’t be more thankful to once again welcome Rayment to our weekly webinar series and hope our customers and others can utilize this valuable information and counsel about connecting with your home care staff. With some hard work and patience, we think that any home care agency can take her methods and apply them for a more cohesive, effective, and successful team.

Click here to view this webinar and start taking steps to connect your staff to your purpose, and be sure to read Miche’s previous post on our blog regarding effective hiring practices.

To learn more about the Rosemark System and why we’re considered the best private duty home care software, visit our Why Choose Rosemark page or contact us anytime for a consultation.